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Journey to the Antarctic
Autor: Patrik Hudec prezident společnosti (IP zapsáno)
Datum: 10.05.2012 22:01


níže přeposílám text e-mailu od čestného člena Stewarta McPhersona. V únoru plánuje expedici do Antarktidy (natáčení dokumentu, focení,...), celkem 12 lidí a stále mu 4 účastníci chybí.


Dear Everyone in my Address book,

I am going to the Antarctic in February to film a documentary series, and photograph for a wildlife book, both on remote islands in far South.

I am chartering a steel hulled ice breaker to make the journey, and will be visiting Antarctica, South Georgia, Elephant Island and Deception Island, and possibly other locations (see attached photos).

The ship is called the Hans Hansson, and, as a private vessel, she can venture into locations where commercial cruises cannot go... remote inlets and glacial valleys. Attached is a photo of the ship, and here is an overview on the charter company’s website ( [www.goldenfleecexp.co.fk] ).

The Hans Hasson has has berths for 12 people. I have a team of 8 people already, including my camera crew, but need to find a further four shipmates to make the trip possible.

I am writing to you all to ask if anyone would be interested in a journey of a lifetime to Antarctica. Going on a private charter is actually cheaper than most commercial cruises, and gives greater flexibility. All costs would be split equally.

If you are interested, please send me an email and I will send a full overview of the itinerary and the projected cost from the charter company.

Likewise, if you know anyone who might be interested, PLEASE do forward this to as many people as you can, and ask them to email me directly at stewart(at)mcpherson.net

Thanks, and my very best wishes to you all,


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