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information ICPS fieldtrip after August 2012 conference
Autor: Patrik Hudec prezident společnosti (IP zapsáno)
Datum: 27.04.2012 12:15


Here is the First information on the fieldtrip that is to follow this years ICPS Conference. The conference program will follow when the last speakers have confirmed.

Field Trip Group A.

Field Trip Group A. will start in New England on Tuesday, August 14 and take the full day to tour local Carnivorous Plants in their natural habitats. Native Carnivorous Plants include Sarracenia purpurea ssp. purpurea, Drosera rotundifolia, Drosera intermedia, and Utricularia spp.
The next day, Wednesday August 15, the group will fly down to North Carolina. The theme of this trip will be the tenuous survival of the Venus Flytrap in the wild, with observations and discussions on the differences of the various habitats and the variety of the plants within them. We will also explore the man-made threats that pressure these plants and the uncertain future that they face.
There will be Venus Flytraps in their native habitat at various different locations, including two locations managed by the Nature Conservancy that are normally closed to the public, the Green Swamp and the Boiling Springs area. These and the other locations will represent a broad overview of the Venus Flytrap’s increasingly pressured natural habitat range.
There will also be numerous and spectacular Sarracenia, Drosera, Pinguicula and Utricularia to be seen at these locations as well.

We will also have a visit to the beach for some sun & sand and a chance to view the nearby wetlands with Carnivorous Plants as well. Afterwards, a quick visit to a Civil War Fort and then continuing on to a scenic Ferry ride across Cape Fear River to pay homage and visit the Burial Grounds of Governor Arthur Dobbs, Mister Tippitiwitchet himself: [www.sarracenia.com] & [www.youtube.com] . We will then be stopping at Orton Pond to view Wild Alligators up close and personal, and finally onto the Boiling Springs area to visit more Carnivorous Plant locations and then to relax in the Town.

Most of the sites are within a half-hour drive of each other, maximizing time in the field for observations, photography and just enjoying the scenery!
The group will be staying at one hotel for the duration of the North Carolina trip, which will be four days and four nights. There will be rented vehicles driven by NECPS volunteers to transport the group.
Precautions will be taken to alleviate the heat, insect and exhaustion risks involved. Water will be provided.

Field Trip Group A. Costs:

Hotel in New England Not Included

Tour Bus New England Bogs Included

Transportation to Airport Included

Flight to North Carolina Not Included: Book reservations using Group code with Travel Agency to be provided

Rental Vehicles in North Carolina (4 days) Included

2-Bed, Shared Hotel Rooms (4 nights) Included

Return trip home Not Included

Hot Breakfast Daily Included

Other Meals Not Included

Drinking Water during Field Excursions Included

Payment to NECPS: $440

Estimated cost of Flight to North Carolina: $176 for One-Way Group-Rate
Flight information will be provided for Round-Trip Flight for self-booking option

Prices are subject to change at any time until the reservations are made. Then the prices will be locked.
For any cost savings, participants will be refunded the difference. For any cost increases, participants will be billed the difference.
At this time, we anticipate no unmanageable cost increases and expect to issue a modest refund.

The Field Trip Registration Sign-Up and the Group-Rate Reservations for the Airline will begin April 30th and will close May 14th, full payment will be required upon Registration.
After the Group Package closes, information will still be provided for interested individuals of the Flight, Hotel & Car Rental Company for people to make their own arrangements to meet the Group in Wilmington.
There will be NO deviations of the main Group to accommodate any late-arrivals.

This will be an enjoyable trip that will also be quite enlightening, with focus on the most famous and classic member of all the Carnivorous Plants: The Venus Flytrap!!
We hope that you can join us!

Kind regards,

Marcel van den Broek
Vice President ICPS
The International Carnivorous Plant Society

Re: information ICPS fieldtrip after August 2012 conference
Autor: Petr Vacek (IP zapsáno)
Datum: 27.04.2012 12:39

Vysle tam D. sve zastupce?

Re: information ICPS fieldtrip after August 2012 conference
Autor: Patrik Hudec prezident společnosti (IP zapsáno)
Datum: 04.05.2012 22:09

Petře, Darwiniana účelově vysílat nebude. Sdělení má ryze informační charakter.
Připojuji aktuální doplnění:

The registration for the fieldtrip is open until the 15th of this month. Also an update on speakers and sellers.



Marcel van den Broek
Vice President ICPS
The International Carnivorous Plant Society

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